
Tanlet 完美品質(zhì)鑄就健康生活

Oral liquid preparation project

based on traditional Chinese medicine decoction, oral liquid preparation process means extracts the active ingredients from herbal material, after preparation, filling and packing.

Tanlet, the total solution provider, Providing whole project services from design, installation, commissioning, automation integration, verification service integration.

Based on the production line of the high-efficiency and energy-saving oral liquid preparation process, the information system is the core, and the modular design concept is adopted. The system is composed of several modules, which can test the system in the online three-dimensional simulation of the conditions of the user's public works, and the problems can be found early.

The liquid dispensing, CIP cleaning and SIP disinfection of the whole liquid dispensing system are carried out automatically through PLC control program, and some parameters are printed out through the set printer. Through the parameter analysis, it is judged whether the liquid dispensing system is correct, whether CIP cleaning and SIP disinfection are qualified, so as to determine whether the whole liquid dispensing system is sterile and safe.



Widely used in pharmaceutical, food, chemical industry, The system can accurately measure and mix a variety of liquid raw materials, improve production efficiency and product quality

Pharmaceutical: Oral liquid preparation, injection, injection (including emulsion and suspension), lotion production line

Food industry:  Beverage production line, juice production line

Chemical industry: Paint production line, cosmetics production line

Project case




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